Got back from Florida last week and all I have to say is it was the best dance competition ever! Best way to end the season, and possibly my dance team career. I love my Fullerton ladies so much and am so happy we were able to share the experience together. I hope we can all stay in touch and hang out over the summer.
School news: Going to Eugene, OR on Thursday to visit UO with my mom and little sister. Hopefully that will help me decide whether I want to go there or not. I finally heard back from Hawaii (after about 6 months of waiting) and I got a huge tuition decrease for the Western Exchange Program. So now the question is whether I should go there or not... Ughhh I hate having to make these decisions. Hawaii has beautiful whether, lots of culture, and a fun laid back lifestyle. But, Oregon has great athletics, the college campus feel, and cheap living expenses. On the downside, in Hawaii I might get island fever and the lifestyle may be difficult to get used to. Oregon is much too gloomy for my taste and maybe also a bit too earthy for what I'm used to. So, now I am hoping to plan a trip to Hawaii to visit the school (too bad I didn't think about that back in Summer '09 when we were right down the street for vacation). I'll get back to this decision after I am back from my visits!
After I get back from Oregon, it'll only be a few days until my 21st bday :) I'm excited to get together with all of my friends and party the night away! But, I have to make sure to wake up in time the next morning to board my flight to Berkeley!!! I'm stoked to visit Lauren and Katy and celebrate Lauren and my 21st birthdays together! It's gonna be a blast :)