So, I haven't updated in a while. A lot has happened in the past month. After a couple weeks off of Fullerton Dance and coaching my SM girls, it was time for a little surprise party fun. Jen and I put together

a surprise 50th birthday party for my mom. She deserves to not do all the work for once and enjoy time with all her closest friends. We got everything ready: food, drinks, balloons, decorations, an amazing cake, and even some blinging pink shirts to match the party theme! After a martini at dinner and an entire bottle of wine at the party, mom actually seemed pretty with it, tired, but not sick or sloppy. Oh well, it was worth a try :)
I started school this week. I'm taking anatomy, speech, english, and beginning piano. The anatomy is probably going to be the most work I've ever had to do in a class in my life. Speech and english will hopefully be easy, and I'm stoked for piano. I'm running from school to SM song to Fullerton to Saddleback Hospital (Volunteering) to WR to football games at both SM and FC. It's basically nuts, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh and HAPPY 25th JEN and HAPPY 50th MOM!
I love you guys <3